What is the Mood of a Story?

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The setting of a story includes the time and place where the story takes place.

The tone of a story is the attitude of the narrator to the events of the plot. The tone is controlled by the author.

The author uses these elements to try to make the reader “feel” something. The feelings of the reader can be called the “mood” of the story. The mood of a story is not fully in the control of the author. Mood depends on what the reader feels, not what the author wants the reader to feel.

Here are some adjectives used to describe a mood of a story:

Angry, Anxious, Calm, Cheerful, Depressed, Gloomy, Happy, Hopeful, Lonely, Loving, Panicked, Peaceful, Resentful, Sad, Satisfied, Stressed, Suspenseful

Find emojis that represent the adjectives listed above. If you don’t know the meaning of the adjectives, look them up before finding the matching emoji.

Write a descriptive paragraph about an event in your life. Read what you have written and identify the mood you feel when you read the paragraph. Use an emoji to show your mood.

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