How Do Authors Use Symbols of Dark and Light ?

Authors often use darkness and light to represent opposing concepts.

Darkness is associated with the unknown, evil, death or chaos or even ignorance. You may have heard the idioms “I was kept in the dark” which means that I was ignorant of information.  Sometimes, in a competition, one of the competitors is called the “dark horse”. This means that that competitor has hidden or unknown ability to compete successfully.

 In contrast, light can be used to mean perfection, goodness, life, happiness, and knowledge. When you hear the phrase “There is light at the end of the tunnel”, it means that there will be an end to difficulty and good will occur. When you hear that some information has “come to light”, it means that some knowledge has been revealed. A “sunny personality” is someone who seems to be happy and lively.

dark clouds and bright sunlight on water
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