Know These Idioms?


Have you ever heard the phrase \” He really gets my goat !\” ?

goat, grass, livestock-1596880.jpg

This idiom means that someone is really  irritating. Seems kind of odd though right ? The goat in the picture looks kind of cute and doesn’t seem to be bothering anyone at all. Actually, the origin of the phrase may come from a few different sources. One source suggests that  this idiom may be from  the 1700s when goats were used as companions to race horses. The goat was a calming influence on the horse. So, if the goat was stolen, the horse would not able to focus on the race and potentially would lose the race. Thus, to \”get your goat\” was not only irritating to the horse, but also to the horse\’s owner !

Can you think of another idiom that involves a farm animal ?

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