FYI… the Trumpeter Swan

The Trumpeter Swan

Use the pictures and the information below to learn more about the Trumpeter or Bugle Swan. Write your details in the organizer provided. Remember that you can listen to a story about a Trumpeter Swan named Caleb @ Go Read and Write Podcast. Scroll down to the episode “Know the Dangers”.

Trumpeter Swans are the largest water birds found in North America. They can weigh between 10- 12 kg with the females weighing slightly less than the males.  An average swan is about 1.5 m in length and the wingspan can be around 2 m. They are called trumpeter or bugle swans because of the sounds that they make when they honk. The trumpeter swan has a solid black bill, and the black marks extend to the eyes. Male swans are called “cobs” and female swans are called “pens”.  Both male and female adult swans are white in colour. Baby swans are called “cygnets”. They are grayish in colour until about 2 years of age.

Trumpeter swans live near watery habitats. You can find them in marshes, near rivers, lakes or ponds. They build their nests on land, near water or on the water. They find their food in the water and can eat as they are swimming. Sometimes, the swan turns upside down in the water to reach the food. They enjoy eating fish eggs, aquatic plants, and weeds. Younger swans also eat small insects. In the winter when aquatic food is not available, swans may feed on grains or grasses on land.

Trumpeter swans live in groups called “flocks”. When the group is flying in the sky, the group is known as a “bevy” or a “wedge”. Swans have one mate for life. Swans may live for 20-30 years. In the springtime,    ( March – May), mating takes place. Nests are built over a period of a few weeks and eggs are placed in the nest. Usually, there are 4-6 eggs laid in the nest. The eggs hatch after about 40 days. The new cygnets stay with the parents under their care for about 1 year.

trumpeter swans

Links to more information…

The Trumpeter Swan Organizer:










Other Interesting Facts:


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