Focus Your Eyes on Vocabulary from “Being First “

Here is a simple and fun way to focus on some vocabulary from the Go Read and Write Podcast story “Being First”. You will find nine vocabulary words hidden in the wordsearch. Try to find the nine words. Then below, you will find definitions for the vocabulary words that you need to know from the Story. Next, write sentences that use the words so that they make sense. The first one is done for you.

Focus Your Eyes on "Being First"  Podcast Story Vocabulary Word search

Vocabulary Words from Go Read and Write Podcast Story “Being First” and Their Meanings from the Oxford Dictionary

Ambush: the act of hiding and waiting for somebody and then making a surprise attack on them

Basking:  sitting or lying in the heat or light of something, especially the sun

Colony:  group of animals who live together

Dreaded: causing fear

Eternity: time without end, forever

Krill: very small shellfish that live in the sea 

Potential: something  that can develop  or be developed in the future

Predator: animal that kills and eats other animals

Strained: forced, used deliberate effort

Whiskers:  long, stiff hairs that grow near the mouth of an animal

Wobbled:  to move in an unsteady way, to move from side to side

Sentences to Show Meaning: Try to make sentences for each vocabulary word. The first one is done for you.

Ambush : The lion was waiting in the bushes ready to ambush the gazelle.

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