Financial Literacy



Financial literacy is important at all ages.

“Students need the skills and knowledge to manage their personal financial well-being with confidence, competence, and awareness of the world around them.

Financial literacy is more than just knowing about money, financial matters and having the skills to work with this knowledge. It also:

  • allows students to develop the confidence and ability to apply the knowledge, concepts, and skills.
  • helps students to make informed decisions while considering the ethical, societal, environmental, and personal aspects of those decisions.”

Here are some of the expectations found in the Ontario Math Curriculum Strand F noted by grade.

Grade 1: Students learn to recognize Canadian coins and bills and compare their values.

Grade 2: Students build on their understanding that money has value and identify different ways to represent the same amount of money. For example, how different combinations of coins can add up to $1, and how different combinations of loonies, toonies and bills can add up to $100.

Grade 3: Students continue to develop their understanding of money by calculating the change required for simple transactions involving whole-dollar amounts.”

(Information sourced from….

Financial Literacy Learning Activity for  Primary Ages

Financial Literacy Worksheet

Helpful Links for Parents:
Please note that these articles offer general information only and are not intended as legal, financial, or other professional advice. We are not providing endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products, or services.

Financial Literacy for Kids | TD Canada Trust

Want a money smart kid? Start their financial education early (

Financial Literacy Resources For Each Stage of Your Child’s Growth | CIBC

Teaching your kids about financial literacy (

Ten Ways to Promote Financial Literacy to Your Children (

Parents Guide to Financial Literacy for Kids & Teens | Mydoh


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