Deconstructing a Story. Oh So Easy.

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Story Structure: Application Story “Being First”

Deconstructing a story is easy when you know what to look for. Let’s look at some important parts of a story.

  • First, we should find out the setting of a story. The story takes place in a place (where) and at a time (when).
  • Next, identify the characters in the story (who). Characters in stories are usually people or animals. The story is about the characters- their words and actions.
  • Then, see if you can find any information about problems that the characters face in the story.
  • Consider the events in the story (plot) that will result in the conclusion of ending of the story

When you read or listen to a story, you might find it helpful to record your learning in a graphic organizer. A simple organizer shown below may help you. You can make the organizer as big as you need.

What is the author’s main point of the story?__________________________________________________________________________

Go Read and Write Podcast

Let’s apply our learning about story structure to the audio story “Being First” available at Go Read and Write Podcast .

Identify the characters, setting, any problems and the main events in the plot. After you have completed your notes, try to write a statement that tells the message that the author is saying through the story.

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