Writing a Contrast Paragraph: Dogs and Frogs

A contrast paragraph can tell what is different between two things, places or people. To write a contrast paragraph, you need to find some differences between the subjects of your paragraph. In the example shown below, we are contrasting two animals: dogs and frogs. To make it easy, we\’ll look for differences in their physical characteristics. Below are some pictures of dogs and frogs. There is also the beginning of a thinking chart where you can write differences that you see between the two animals.

Look at the pictures and think about differences that you see between the animals. After you have noted several differences in your chart, pick three that you think are really good. Write your topic sentence that introduces the subject of your paragraph. In this case, you would be comparing dogs and frogs and so you might start like this: \”Although dogs and frogs are both animals, they are different in several ways.\” Then, talk about the three differences using 3 supporting detail sentences. For your fifth and final sentence, write a concluding sentence that wraps up your paragraph. In this case, you might say something like this: \”Dogs and frogs have many differences that make them both interesting to study.\”

contrast between dogs and frogs
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